

Membership In The Church

A member is someone who is an active participant in the spiritual life of the parish. This means they are striving to comply in their life with the teachings of the Holy Orthodox Faith, attend Liturgy regularly on Sundays and Holy Days, receive the Sacraments on a regular basis and contribute to the best of their ability as directed by their conscience in support of the Church.


How is the Church Supported?

St. Mary's is fully self-supporting and receives no supplemental funding from our Diocese. the entirety of the parish operating budget comes from weekly offerings and fundraisers.  As part of our parish stewardship initiative, all parishioners are encouraged to offer their time, talent and treasures in support of our parish.

Contributing To the Parish

Parishioners and friends of the parish may offer their support in the form of weekly donations in the offering basket, or  by mail to St. Mary's Orthodox Church 61 Canada Road Painted Post, NY 14870. Those who prefer to contribute "on-line" may do so through their bank's on-line bill paying service.There is usually no charge, and contributors can set up recurring donations.

For more information on offering the Stewardship of your time, talent and treasures  to our parish, please contact the Father Dan at  607-936-0689 or 607-438-7339









Upcoming Events

Divine Liturgy
Mar 30 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Apr 6 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Apr 13 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Apr 20 9 am
Divine Liturgy
Apr 27 9 am